
Communication One

They said that communication is words.
Ink and vocalizations filled to the brim with
meanings explicit and hidden.
But they mustn’t be laboured.
You mustn’t be slow.
You mustn’t scream.
Use your words they said.
But not those words,
and not like that.

Communication Two

They said that communication is about eye-contact.
But not all the time.
There are rules, and they concern;
arbitrarily intermittent durations,
expressions, extents of openness,
frequency of blinking.
Not an exhaustive list.
“You look me in the eyes”
But it hurts.
But then I can’t hear the words
But then I can’t use the words
you told me to use
the way you told me to use them.

Communication Three

Next they said that communication is about
body language.
Gestures that communicate
part of what isn’t spoken
part of what is spoken.
“Why do you do that with your hands?”
“Don’t just point, say something.”
It’s like the words, not like that.
Don’t move like that.
Don’t hit yourself.
Why was hitting me only ever for you?
Why is communication never about understanding?


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