Be a Cat!

Be a cat.

Accomodation for still-smouldering rubble:

In the middle of an autistic burnout?
Quiet. Patience.
Acceptance of frequent intermittent
nonverbal periods.
Plan, because my broken brain
screams if it’s asked.
Maybe check that I’ve eaten
because my appetite doesn’t function.
Use the floor-lamp
not the big light.
Leave me alone about not wearing a bra.
Be a cat.

Not in the middle of autistic burnout?
Be a cat.


Elizabeth  – its_not_schrodingers-autism


I used the title Turn Down the Lights for this post because of Elizabeth’s reference in her poem to not put on the big light. I used turndownthelights for the website domain name because light is possibly my worst sensitivity, especially fluorescent lights. I use only LED lighting in my home and don’t need much. Fluorescent lighting causes me to spasm and make noises, so I try to stay out of it as much as possible or use fluorescent screening lenses. I am unable to screen out the noise from the fluorescent lighting although some days are worse than other for hearing the lights, which sometimes are like a screaming hearing aid that needs turned down. When I do have to endure fluorescent lighting for more than a few minutes, it takes hours to recover after I am out of the light.

I squint a lot!

So does my cat!


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