Ad Free Blog

Ads are annoying, distracting and ugly. I read somewhere that if I had some ads on my blog it would help generate enough income to pay the costs involved with my website. I tried it for one day.

The ads were supposed to be content related. There was not a single ad that was related to child abuse, autism or art. There were ads telling what foods to avoid if you are overweight and over fifty. I wanted to shout back and tell google that my BMI is in the healthy range. I did shout back. I took the ad codes out so there will be no more ads ever.

I am going to instead put a separate page on this site with some of my paintings that are for sale. If I can sell an average of one painting a month it will cover my costs for this blog. It will be the reader’s option whether they even want to go look at that page. No more ads!


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